The Lonely Edges
Creating something new can be devastatingly lonely—and it should be. The choice to disconnect from the pack and follow our own creative truth can ultimately bring us closer to the people around us. These are conversations about finding courage to move towards our lonely edges and the adventures we have when they get there.
The Lonely Edges
Jamie Chapman: The Lonely Edges of Starting a Business
Christina Frei
Season 2
Episode 8
- Do I run other people’s businesses or my own?
- The decision to start her own business
- When you’re not paid what your worth
- The trials of leaving a marriage and new financial obligations
- Modeling strong women for her sons
- The loneliness of being an entrepreneur, role of community
- Raising good partners in her sons
The owner and founder of Chickbook Creative, Jamie Chapman, consults with small and medium-sized women-owned companies. Over the course of her career, she has gained experience in systems, processes, accountability, leadership, and project management. Jamie's multifaceted approach to problem-solving stems from her extensive knowledge of executive functioning, habit formation, and the entrepreneur's mind.
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