The Lonely Edges
Creating something new can be devastatingly lonely—and it should be. The choice to disconnect from the pack and follow our own creative truth can ultimately bring us closer to the people around us. These are conversations about finding courage to move towards our lonely edges and the adventures we have when they get there.
The Lonely Edges
Ben Campbell: The Lonely Edges of Rewilding the Enneagram
Christina Frei
Season 2
Episode 13
- Discovering the Enneagram as a teenager
- How we’re mostly asleep
- How nature can be a therapist
- How the Enneagram reflects nature and vice versa
- What a wander is
- What Ghurdjeef missed in his East meets West model
- Civilization vs. nature (or not)
Ben Campbell is an Enneagram teacher certified in the Riso-Hudson tradition, and the founder of Wild Enneagram, where he leads programs that bring our Enneagram practice into the wild, natural world. Ben's nature-based teaching draws on his experience with the Animas Valley Institute as well as the Maine Primitive Skills School, where he is an apprentice. Ben's vision is to introduce Enneagram students to the vast possibilities for transformation that can happen when we connect our Enneagram practice to the more-than-human world, and all of the programs at Wild Enneagram are designed to do that.
Wild Enneagram
Your Beautiful Lonely Edges