The Lonely Edges

Heather Tharpe: The Lonely Edges of an Intuitive among Mormons

Christina Frei Season 2 Episode 19


  • Being an intuitive child in Utah, surrounded by Mormons
  • When your grandfather was Joseph Smith’s body guard
  • Living without electricity or plumbing
  • Having psychic abilities from age 3-4 and seeing future things happening
  • The gifts of Montessori
  • Being an intuitive mom
  • The gifts of being an intuitive

Heather's Bio:
Heather Tharpe is a fourth-generation clairvoyant and medium. In her own words, “By listening to my heart, my gut, my sixth sense, I can assist my clients in healing and provide what they need to be and feel their best.” As an Intuitive Life Coach, she taps into these senses to serve as a conduit for her clients so they can receive life guidance from their Spirit Guides, Angels, and the Spirit Energy of lost loved ones. Heather helps people become more aware of their intuition and communicate with their Angels & Spirit Guides. She also does hypnotherapy, having completed her Hypnosis studies in 2020 and joining Beverly Hypnosis Center before opening her own practice in Wenham, MA.

Connect with Heather Tharpe:
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Heather's Website

Connect with Christina Frei
Your Beautiful Lonely Edges / Generosity Coaching